Watch This Video Interview with The Author
“It really touches on all of the universal issues us humans are having at this fork in the road in the horsemanship industry right now.”
Mills Consilient Horsemanship
Through personal experience and Adlerian psychology, Christen delves into the importance of and a relationship to a mentor. I have never specifically read a book about mentorship, so it was a fascinating study of what it truly means through her personal anecdotes. She encourages everyone to find a mentor in order to live their best life. Many avenues are given in order to go about finding one and connecting to them with your heart. This book is written from her heart and she truly hopes to reach yours.
Bonnell Classical Dressage
I thought it was a fantastic discussion into a variety of learning theories and strategies to become excellent at anything even when the examples revolved around horsemanship. A brief summary is that it takes thousands of hours of deliberate practice with a mentor to whom you are aligned emotionally and who has excellence to become excellent. It outlines the joy of obtaining this excellence, the importance of practicing every day, and then the joy of becoming a mentor. It references numerous books, ideas, and theories attempting to combine them into a unifying theory of teaching, learning, and flourishing. I think given some of the discussions from the book, we could also draw inferences on what is human nature and how can we thrive in our world which has changed so much. One way in which this self-help book is superior to other books of this vein; Christen’s anecdotes are designed to explain a particular theory or idea, not as a way to prove that this particular theory or idea is true. Too often the opposite method is used. I told her she is the woman in the arena attempting to do something great while it is easy to be on the sidelines judging negatively and it is true.
Financial Analyst, Teacher, and Author's Husband (biased but generally a curmudgeon about quality)
I, Centaur is a brilliantly researched, heart-centered book based on vast knowledge and personal experience in honoring the miraculous and complex beauty and majesty in horses and humans. The author is a thoughtful wife and mother, seasoned business professional leader, and prolific owner and rider of horses, who provides a vast understanding of the concepts, conditions and practices required to ensure the deepest needs are met in all - to feel seen, safe, soothed and supported! This beautiful book provides humor, vulnerability, valuable experiences and insights, and processes that lead to the prevention of much unnecessary pain and suffering. The author paints a vivid picture of joy through intentionally creating conscious, compassionate, loving and wise connections holistically. She brings intellect, body, heart and soul together in a dance that will inspire many to also master the rich life she has expressed within these pages. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wishes for the practical applications needed to create a life of compassion, caring and love for all creatures great and small!
CEO, LifeWork Systems - Sr. Consultant, Writer, Show Host, Strategist, Visionary
We all "know" what to do but have a hard time doing it. We have grand visions for ourselves and our loved ones, including our horses, but cannot seem to do what we know we should do, or stop doing things we know we shouldn't. The Centaur model is one theory explaining why this happens - your Mind cannot reach your Body without the Heart. And if your nervous system isn't attuned to a mentor you can observe, you cannot "copy" their "code" to imitate excellence.
2. You Will Learn Simple Ways to Show You Care and Attach so that Your Heart can Connect the Mind and Body
Many intelligent, hard-working people are logical and find emotions to be annoying or get in the way of the "real work." This book will give you simple, logical strategies to attune and attach to horses or people. This is NOT gushy "oooey-gooey" or enabling behavior. Helping others feel safe, seen, and soothed will create a secure connection. "Soothed" does NOT mean rescuing, enabling, or being a savior. You will learn what soothing is in an Adlerian sense and help meet loved ones' deepest needs.
3. You Will Accomplish
Your Vision and Goals
Once you have a heart connection to yourself, your horse, your mentor, your students, and/or your loved ones, you will find that your Mind can "talk" to their Body more effectively for behavior change. Then you will get to work. To change behavior you do have to embrace the blood, sweat, and tears that are necessary for deliberate practice and full mental focus. But this is easier (still not easy) to do with social support and connection.
We all "know" what to do but have a hard time doing it. We have grand visions for ourselves and our loved ones, including our horses, but cannot seem to do what we know we should do, or stop doing things we know we shouldn't.
Coregulation Mentorship is one theory explaining why this happens - if your nervous system isn't attuned to a mentor you can observe you cannot "copy" their "code".
Care and Connect
Many intelligent, hard-working people are logical and find emotions to be annoying or get in the way of the "real work." This book will give you simple, logical strategies to attune and attach to horses or people. This is NOT gushy "oooey-gooey" or enabling connection. Helping others feel safe, seen, and soothed will create a secure connection.
"Soothed" does NOT mean rescuing, enabling, or being a savior.
You will learn what soothing is in an Adlerian sense and help meet loved ones' deepest needs.
Change Behavior
Once you have a heart connection to yourself, your horse, your mentor, your students, and/or your loved ones, you will find that your Mind can "talk" to their Body more effectively for behavior change.
To change behavior you do have to embrace the blood, sweat, and tears that are necessary for deliberate practice and full mental focus. But this is easier (still not easy) to do with social support and connection.
(For real! )
I am selling each book at the cost of printing, fulfillment, and shipping costs - nothing extra.
Why am I doing this?
Because my main goal is to discover and nurture more Centaurs.
I know there are people who share this journey with me, and I want to help our tribe flourish.
I've learned some tough lessons about connection and courage along the way. I've been orphaned, grappled with alcohol addiction, and endured rocky relationships. For a long time, I shut down my emotions and closed off to connection. But I eventually realized that by doing so, I was missing out on life’s richness. I’ve come full-circle, embracing the vulnerability and authenticity that make life worth living. I haven't given up on my commitment to excellence and connection + truth has been magic for change.
I wasn’t always easy to be around—even when I thought I had all the right answers, I was often a real pain. Through exploring deeper connection and attunement, I learned that balancing hard work, honest self-reflection, and genuine relationships is essential. Whether you’re working with people or even horses, both discipline and connection play a pivotal role in our lives. Even today, I lean on mentors to help me refine my focus and maintain discipline.
This book represents the transformative power of becoming a Centaur—a shift that has changed my life profoundly. I hope it inspires you to explore these concepts and unlock your own potential. A secondary aim is to get this book into as many hands as possible because I believe that transforming your life might spark an interest in even more insights I have to share.
At the end of the day, I truly believe that the idea of a coregulating Centaur Mentor can enhance every aspect of your life. Thanks for being a part of this journey.
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Meet The Aspiring Centaur Who Wants to Create More Centaurs
Christen Schweizer could read books before she went to school, so as a lifelong book worm to now be the author of I, Centaur is a dream come true.
Christen is the Director of Analytics for Esse Health in St. Louis, MO with twenty years of experience in the Healthcare IT industry.
She never outgrew her “horse girl” phase and is a licensed Straightness Training Instructor Grade 1 and hopes to achieve her USDF Bronze Rider Award Medal in 2025.
She loves to learn and teach horsemanship and riding with her lesson academy Calling Bird Farm.
She is “very” married to the wonderful John Schweizer and loves her everyday life with their four children Ellie, Mitchell, Charlie, and Johnny, and her four horses and three cats in gorgeous Wildwood, Missouri.
She researches, redirects, and rides everyday.
Christen Schweizer could read books before she went to school, so as a lifelong book worm to now be the author of
I, Centaur is a dream come true. Christen is the Director of Analytics for Esse Health in St. Louis, MO with twenty years of experience in the Healthcare IT industry. She never outgrew her “horse girl” phase and is a licensed Straightness Training Instructor Grade 1 and hopes to achieve her USDF Bronze Rider Award Medal in 2025. She loves to learn and teach horsemanship and riding with her lesson academy Calling Bird Farm. She is “very” married to the wonderful John Schweizer and loves her everyday life with their four children Ellie, Mitchell, Charlie, and Johnny, and her four horses and three cats in gorgeous Wildwood, Missouri. She researches, redirects, and rides everyday.